Tuesday 2 December 2014

Vomit, ew!

My goodness, someone - whether your child has CHI or not - tell me that I am not the only one?

Orlaith's new thing is making herself sick, like literally coughing and gagging until she successfully vomits over everything and everywhere. It tends to be when she isn't getting her own way or just wants attention. 

For example, I got her out of the bath recently and she didn't want to put her pyjamas on so what do you do in those situations? Make yourself sick, obviously. It was completely unnecessary, she could have simply of said no and gone down the verbal tantrum route but instead she just starts screaming uncontrollably and gagging, leading to the vomiting episodes. Orlaith's also done this in the middle of Starbucks whilst on a coffee date with friends, she then had to sit there in a vest and socks until her Dad came to the rescue with spare clothes and to take her home. Not at all embarrassing, right?! Another time, she didn't want to go out but unfortunately us parents haven't got a choice but to get the errands done - so again it was the screaming and vomiting scene... all over herself, the car, the car seat and then me. It happens at least once a day. Give me strength! 

I sometimes just laugh as it's so ridiculous and I look like at her like "REALLY?!" and then on other occasions, I just want to look myself in a cupboard and not be 'Mummy' anymore. I've heard, which I suppose is also the most logical, the best thing to do is ignore and divert their attention elsewhere. I  just want this to stop like right now, this phase will be the end of me - the washing machine is constantly on, I'm constantly scrubbing/shampooing/steaming the carpets and upholstery and she's constantly in the bath.... like everything is CONSTANT. 

Of course, then there is the matter of the HI and needing to keep blood sugars up which inevitably drop when she is vomiting. 

Has anyone else gone through this? I've had a ponder on google and it seems to be a popular phase for the majority of toddlers?! Let me know your toddlers irritating phases!

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