Thursday 14 August 2014

From 4 to 3....

Wow so we had some amazing news yesterday.

We are currently on a six week break from hospitals, appointments, tests, you name it (due to second baby due any day now!), which is lovely as the travelling was becoming too much for me and my ridiculously swollen feet! I've been in touch with the GOSH team more other the phone because of this and although we aren't able to test regularly if Orlaith is in therapeutic range for her Sirolimus treatment; we are able to determine whether a dose change in the Octreotide therapy is warranted by her BM level range. Amazingly, Orlaith is doing brilliantly at the moment and we have recently had another dose decrease and last night were offered to trial 3 injections a day instead of 4 for a week, making them every 8 hours and not every 6 hours. This is just great news, it means Orlaith is more comfortable as she's at the age where she knows what is happening and literally runs a mile, and it also means we have one less thing to worry about... and we can get more sleep!!  Some may say, and it was pointed out to be a risk by the specialist nurse, that undertaking a drastic change in medication is a lot to take on whilst being pregnant and ready to pop but I welcome the pressure as we have so much confidence that this is a step in the right direction and we will make effective progress from is.

Last night was the first trial of stepping up to 8 hourly and Orlaith slept beautifully, she always sleeps through the night but she's very unsettled around injection, medicine and feed times. I think this is because we have successfully dream fed her for a year now and her stomach subconsciously knows it's empty or needs milk, causing her to be unsettled and sometimes wake, although to completely wake is very rare. Similarly, we slept like logs and got 4 hours straight which we haven't had since before she was born! I woke up feeling so refreshed! I'm so happy we have made it to this point and I hope it continues so we can get her off Octreotide therapy completely and leading a normal life as much as possible. At 16 months, I think she deserves it!

The next steps are to hopefully carry on the week long trial with success so we can continue to put a new treatment plan in place and we are also looking into changing her feeding routine too; to make it more suitable for Orlaith, her age and dietary requirements. This will include looking into amounts, measurements and timings of certain meals, as she is still heavily milk reliant - some days she has her whole intake just in prescribed milk, on top of 3 meals and snacks - we would love to not need to give her so much; how she isn't overweight and still tiny in 3/6-6/9m clothes in beyond me!! I hope that over time we can meet these steps and become closer to being mediated through diet and not treatment.

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